Thursday, January 29, 2009

Final - Thing 23

Even though SAPL's 23 Things debuted in last fall I was very late to the party, for a number of reasons.

About a year or so ago I looked at a 23 Things program offered by another library system. The organizers posted it to a listserv. As I mentioned in a previous post one of the things was exploring Second Life ... not my cup of tea. I was glad to see that wasn't one of SAPL's 23 things, but still, RSS and Tecnorati and such sounded like too much strain on my brain. Then there's the whole issue of blogging. About a zillion people have blogs, and many of them are the virtual equivalent of telling a total stranger standing in the grocery store line some of the most intimate and personal details of life. Way, way TMI.

When Didi sent out a reminder and notice of the extension I thought I'd at least give it a try because I like Didi and I want to be supportive on her project. It didn't take long until I was totally and completely hooked on maintaining my blog, playing around with my photos, ready to use Google Docs, checking out the new stuff on other people's blogs. I gotta have gadgets and I need more widgets.

This whole 23 Things process has been a total blast! Part of the reason for my reluctant to join early was that I wasn't sure I had enough time and attention to learn that many new things. Maybe I was a little intimidated even. I'm fairly techno savvy, but still ... After 23 Things, I still don't have an expert's grasp of a few of the subjects I at least now have a working knowledge of them - enough to be able to better my skills with practice. I even added NPR's podcast to my Blackberry!

The experience has been enjoyable and very benefical on both professional and personal levels.

Would I attempt a similar program again? Yes, and I wouldn't wait so long to jump onboard.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the compliment of doing something you're iffy about just for support. I'm glad you seem to have enjoyed it along the way. Good job finishing in time, having actually fully explored all the lessons! :)
